Thursday, May 1, 2008

Life Perspectives

As members of a bustling society we are often burdened with many pressures of day to day life. We play many roles such as the hardworking student, the reliable friend, a son or a daughter, and the eager employee. Days, weeks and months go by in a flash because we are so busy trying to keep up with life, that we walk around day to day half conscious. Can you remember what happened on your voyage to school today? Unless you almost got into car accident or tripped and embarrassed yourself, you are less than likely to remember details of occurrences that happened just a few minutes ago. We are so caught up in our routines and thoughts that half of the time we are not conscious to the world around us.
But what are we doing all of this for? Is there a point to our lives as human beings other than succeeding in order to make money? I believe there is a purpose for us, and we are not able to perceive it if we don’t take the time out to evaluate our lives, and realize what is really important. In our fast paced society we rarely take the time out to indulge in the beauty of the world around us. If you died today, what are the things you would regret not doing? Who are the people you would regret not appreciating? Would you be satisfied with the way you carried your life, or wish you would have slowed your pace to enjoy yourself? Who would you regret not helping?
We sometimes do not appreciate our relationships as much as we should. After all, when we die and many years pass, we will not be remembered by loved ones for our monetary success, rather for our relationships that we shared, and the impact we made on their lives. At the end of the day, what matters most are our happiness and the joy we bring to others.
It is not wrong to want to be successful, but we should not let the desire for success take over our lives. After all, why are we aiming to be successful? Is it in the hopes of being happy? If so, we should try to be happy on our way to success and not stress ourselves out to the point of unhappiness. Life is precious, but unfortunately does not last forever so we should make the best if it. We should embrace our loved ones, enjoy their company and cherish the little things that make life worthwhile.
So tomorrow on your way to wherever your schedule requires, take a different route and see how such an insignificant change can open your eyes to the world around you. You will no longer be unconsciously going about your day, rather opening your eyes to the beautiful world we inhabit.

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